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Parent's Week-At-A-Glance
Traditional Worship Hour
Birth to 3 years (not potty-trained)
You are always welcome to have your children in worship.
3 years (potty-trained) to 4th grade **
Faith and Bible Investigations (F.B.I.) Room 122
5th to 12th grades
Worship with friends and family in sanctuary.
Sunday School Hour
Birth to 2 years
2 years to 4 years
Kinder to 4th grade
5th and 6th grades
7th to 12th grades
Contemporary Worship Hour
Birth to 3 yrs (not potty-trained)
You are always welcome to have your children in worship.
3 years (potty-trained) to Kinder**
1st to 4th grade**
5th - 12th grades
Worship with friends and family in sanctuary.
**Children start in worship with parents. They gather for the Children's Time during the service and then are shepherded to activities. Or they can remain with parents for worship.
6:00PM - 7:30PM
Birth to 3 yrs
4 years to 4th graders
5th and 6th grades
7th to 12th grades