SJA Missions
Our Mission Statement
To be true believers in Grace, who put discipleship into action
and dare to grow into the likeness of Christ through service to those in need.

Join Our Team
The Mission Team invites you to participate in any of the current mission projects/commitments,
or to contact the team about your own mission ideas!
We meet first Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm in Room 127.
For more information, contact missions@sjaumc.org
St. John the Apostle's Missions program is recognized as a Five Star Mission Program by the Central Texas Conference.
To achieve this recognition, the following requirements were fulfilled:
Give 100% of assigned apportionments
Have an ongoing program of mission education
Serve the local community through outreach
Contribute to a conference, national, international, or UMCOR Advance Special
Make a financial contribution of $2,500 to a United Methodist missionary