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Adult Sunday School Schedule

Sundays at 10:10

Contact for more information

The Builders

Facilitator: Jay Dickey

​Open to anyone who would enjoy the experience of Christian community and relationships to compliment your Sunday worship experience

Room 150


Facilitator: Member-led

Open to all adults

Journey through the Bible and life. Each lesson is offered in a large print version for members. Open to all interested adults.

Room 120

Seeds of Faith

Facilitator: Sandy Athey

Combination of Bible study & contemporary issues discussion

Room 155

Simple Faith

Facilitator: Richard & Julie Klemm

The name Simple Faith comes from Richard’s focus to lead Christians to knowing that you do not have to have a degree to know and understand God's Word. The class begins with a short study on basic knowledge of the Bible and how, as Methodists, we need to capture this in our hearts and minds. He leads members to making it SIMPLE, yet STRONG.

Room 127


Facilitator: Nichol & Yvonne Monaghan

Study group growing through study & fellowship.

Room 152

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