Kenya's Mission Team's Garage Sale!
Spring 2022 - please contact Judy Shoemaker if you have items to donate. 817-680-5310

March 26, 2022
Donations Needed
SJA is working with Arlington Urban Ministries to collect items for those who are in need. Click here to view the items you can donate. Donations can be dropped off at SJA in the hallway on Sunday mornings or anytime.

March 2, 2022
Ash Wednesday
Come enjoy experiential worship with your friends and family at SJA.

February 26th at 9am
Clean-Up Day
Come help us clean out the church attic and finish tearing down the Nativity prop in patch. We will be sorting through attic items to determine what to keep, what to toss, and what to put in the upcoming Kenya garage sale.

February 18, 2022
2021 Giving Statements
Year-End 2021 Giving Statements have been mailed out via USPS. If you do not receive your statement by February 18th, please reach out to Tim at: tim.hammond@sjaumc.org.

From the Library Committee
Please return all Advent books to the library. We are missing these books and check out cards. Since cards were not filled out and left behind, we have no record of who checked out the studies.
As a reminder, if you are checking out a book(s), please fill out the book card (located inside the front cover) with your name and the date then leave them in white holder hanging by the bookshelves.